  • Journey: thrive and develop

    1. . Interactions & motivation

      Fundamentals of human behavior and motivation.

    2. . Coaching & performances

      Empower employees and make them autonomous in their growth.

    3. . Decision & changes

      Manage emotions in action, your own and those of your interlocutor.

    4. . Alignment & talents

      Allow everyone’s talents to express themselves positively and create success.

    5. . Influences & transversality

      Manage upwards, lead your teams and convince in all directions.

    1. Benefits

      1. Manage your team’s performance on a daily basis

      2. Create an environment that favors talent development

      3. Know how to announce decisions and delegate effectively

      4. Support changes and transitions within the company or organization

      5. Managing out-of-frame behavior to ensure fairness and efficiency

      6. Acting and convincing at 360° within the organization

    2. Place

      Quai Central Hotel
      42, av. Alfred Lefrançois
      59200 Tourcoing France


      September 25, 2024
      October 16, 2024
      November 14, 2024 (remote)
      December 12, 2024
      January 28, 2025




      4815 € HT